You probably didn’t know that your fingernails can tell a lot about your health. The state, color and the shape of your fingernails can be a significant sign of your overall health and well-being.
Check out the information (and the chart) below and compare if you have any of these conditions.
Horizontal Ridges
If your nails have horizontal ridges, it could possibly mean that you have Vitamin A, Vitamin B, or calcium deficiency.
Vertical Ridges
If you notice vertical ridges on your nails, it could mean a potential iron deficiency.
Look for a white moon shape found toward the bottom of the nail. If you have a healthy thyroid, you will likely see a moon-like shape on each of your fingernails. If you can’t see these moons, it could possibly indicate a weak or poorly functioning thyroid.
Weak thyroid issues:
Weak thyroids can cause mood swings, fatigue, depression, thinning of hair, and changes in hair or skin texture. Thyroid problems are often followed by rapid weight gain or weight loss. If you think you might have an undiagnosed thyroid problem, you should consult with your doctor immediately!
If you notice yourself constantly removing hangnails, it could be due to a lack of protein, poor digestion, or a lack of Vitamin C.
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