Give it a go and cross your arms as you would typically do. Take note of the hands and arm position. Apparently, how you cross your arms can reveal a lot about your personality.
Check out the following positions and use the comment section on Facebook, to voice your opinion:
1. Left Hand Out
If you did the test and you have your left hand resting on top of your right arm, it means you are a very logical, practical and responsible person. You are a strong person, and other people rely on you, and you never let funny feelings cloud your judgment.
Before you decide if something is right or wrong, you take your time to weigh the pros and cons and only then come to a conclusion.
2. Right Hand Out
If after crossing your arms you have your right hand resting on top of your left arm, you are someone who is intuitive by nature. You are a person who is very much in touch with your own feelings and thoughts, and you can notice even the smallest shift of mood in every situation you are in. You are someone who is curious to know what people think and how they feel before they even try to communicate with you.
3. Both Hands Out
If this is the position you ended up while trying to cross your arms, you are a person who knows who they are in life. Without being cocky, you have a great sense of self-confidence, you have a strong personality, and you firmly believe in your morals. Because of your calm and wise energy around you, people look up to you for guidance.
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