In an instant, that would melt the stoniest of hearts to butter, Nero, a dog belonging to 25-year-old Stuart Hutchison, died 15 minutes after his owner’s death. Mr. Stuart Hutchison, a resident of Aloha (Scotland), had been fighting a brain tumor for the past eight years. He and his wife Danielle were the proud owners…
Study Finds High Levels of Microplastics in Bottled Water
The fact is that around the world, in just one minute, people are using millions of plastic bottles. Unfortunately, people do not have the habit of recycling, though in recent years awareness among the population is at a higher level for the harmful and polluting effect that plastic bottles create toward the environment. The truth…
STOP Ordering Lemon Water At Restaurants, And There Is a Good Reason Why
Have you heard of the many health benefits of drinking lemon water? Ironically though asking for lemon water in a restaurant might do more damage than good. According to numerous studies, lemon water offered at restaurants is not something you want to be drinking. According to a study conducted by ABC news, examining the 10…