Contrary to a widespread public opinion that dogs and cats are fierce enemies, this husky recently found her best friend, the adorable tabby cat. The owner, Christina, always imagined having both dog and cat as her companions, so naturally, she took her Huskey Raven with her when she went to the local animal shelter when…
Dog Dies 15 Minutes After Owner Loses Eight-Year Battle With Brain Cancer
In an instant, that would melt the stoniest of hearts to butter, Nero, a dog belonging to 25-year-old Stuart Hutchison, died 15 minutes after his owner’s death. Mr. Stuart Hutchison, a resident of Aloha (Scotland), had been fighting a brain tumor for the past eight years. He and his wife Danielle were the proud owners…
Dalmatian Puppy Has A Heart On His Nose And People Are In Love
Meet the dalmatian with a heart-shaped nose who has recently become an Instagram sensation. His human Lexi Smith, describes him as “54 pounds of goofy, clumsy, sassy, hungry, cuddly, curious, wild, crazy, silly, happy love,” and that “no amount of pictures on could ever fully capture all that he is and all that he…
Proud Mama Takes Adorable Maternity Photos With Her Six Puppies
Like any other proud family, professional maternity shoots have become an integral part of the introduction of newborns to the immediate relatives, that has grown in popularity over the past couple of years. And this is the case of a professional photographer Belinda Sol who took maternity photos of a dachshund and her six adorable…
Dog Waits 4 Years In The Same Spot Until He Finally Gets Reunited With His Family
We are accustomed to hearing stories about dogs who have traveled cities, countries, and even continents to reach their families. Contrary to this, a lost dog waited at the same place he got lost for four years. The dog loved his family so much that he waited near the gas station he got lost almost…