People around the world are trying to maintain a certain temperature in their homes however not many understand the importance of the humidity in the air
When you have your air-conditioning on the process removes the heat from the air but it also removes the humidity as well.
During the winter the humidity in the air is almost nonexistent because the cold air itself is already very dry.
According to research a dry air is the leading cause of cold and flu. some experts claim that raising the humidity in our homes above 43% destroys the flu virus dead in its tracks.
In a recent study from 2013 researchers used a cough simulator to disperse the flu virus in the air and later measured how long it survived at different levels of humidity.
The results concluded that at 23% or less humidity in the air 77% of the virus survived for more than an hour however at 43% or higher humidity all the about 14% of the virus was present in the year after the first hour.
The 2009 study discovered that after 23 hours 100 per cent of the viruses were dead in humid air as opposed to dry environment where only 40% of the viruses were removed in the same period of time.
Up until now, scientists could not understand why in some parts of the world the flu cases during the winter are quite higher than some other parts of the world. Now we know that it is not the cold air but the humidity in the air.
The following are of the 7 benefits of turning up the humidity in the air:
Helps with Asthma
A study from 2006 found that teachers conducting their classes in a low humidity classroom had an increased risk of allergy and asthma symptoms.
Reduce coughing
According to medical news today, 50% or higher humidity can improve the air and reduce dry unproductive coughing.
“Adding humidity to the air can get more moisture into the airways, which can make a cough more productive. A productive cough releases trapped or sticky phlegm.”
Sick building syndrome
A study conducted in 1994 suggests that by increasing the humidity in the air we can reduce the symptoms of sick building syndrome ( fatigue, throat irritation, nausea and dizziness thought to be a result of microorganisms and compounds found in recycled air.
By increasing the humidity in the air in the hospitals to about 40 to 45% the result showed a significant decrease in sensation of dryness, airway symptoms and static electricity.
Helps with Snoring
By increasing the humidity in the air results show that people suffering from snoring experience a significant amount of relief when examined in an environment with a humidity level of over 50%.
House plans and furniture
Did you know by maintaining a balanced humidity in your home, you can extend the life of your plants and also have your furniture last longer.
Good for hair and dry skin
Maintaining a humidity of over 40% in your home, will reduce crack and dry skin and help with your frizzy hair.
You can save money on heat
Did you know that humidity traps that heat inside your home, which means less need for heating devices and lower electricity bill?
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