Despite all of its medicinal qualities, apple cider vinegar has earned more attention in recent years because of its weight loss advantages.
There’s even a scientific study that confirms the fact that apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight.
In a recent study researchers noted that after taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water before eating, participants lost an average of two pounds in a month.
In addition to this decrease in body weight, there was also a loss in abdominal fat, waist circumference, and triglyceride levels in their blood.
This happens because our day-to-day foods cause insulin spikes and blood sugar levels.
When you eat a lot of carbohydrates, its quicker digestion causes your blood sugar levels to increase. Then your body responds by releasing insulin, causing these levels to fall rapidly.
These sudden changes can cause lethargy and hunger, which prompts us to eat more. In the long run, our body may not be able to effectively lower our blood sugar levels, which can cause type 2 diabetes.
Apple cider vinegar not only increases the blood sugar absorption ability of our liver and muscles but also improves our cells’ responsiveness to insulin. It’s also rich in acetic acid, which naturally blocks the absorption of starches and sugar.
And, as if that weren’t enough, apple cider vinegar also controls your appetite. Studies propose that vinegar can suppress the centers in our brain that control our appetite, which can lead to reduced food consumption.
As you can see, apple cider vinegar can be an excellent ally for anyone who wants to lose weight, as long as it’s being paired with a well-balanced diet.
An excellent way to use vinegar and obtain these benefits is to consume it before meals.
It’s recommended that you dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before every meal.
Don’t ever take more than three tablespoons a day. Excess vinegar can attack the lining of our stomach, causing irritation, burning sensations or even gastric problems.
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