Some reports suggest that an estimate of 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia each year. If you are one of the many people suffering from this sleep condition, you’d know that insomnia makes it virtually impossible to fall asleep or stay asleep.
While some medications such as prescription sleeping pills may offer a quick solution to the problem, they usually do more damage than good.
Throughout the years, millions of Americans across the country have developed an addiction to these pills, making it impossible for them to fall asleep without taking these medications.
Fortunately, there are countless natural remedies that can help fight insomnia, that not only help you fall asleep but also have a good impact on your overall health.
Tart cherries are one of nature’s best remedy for insomnia and sleep conditions.
A study examined 20 participants, half of which were given a concentrated tart cherrie juice, and the other half a placebo, within 30 minutes of waking and 30 minutes before bed each day.
Astonishingly, participants who were given to drink the cherry juice were found to stay in longer in bed, have greater total sleep hours and have more productive sleep than those who took the placebo.
Another study examined people suffering from insomnia who drank tart cherry juice twice a day, for 14 days. What they concluded was that the symptoms of insomnia were considerably reduced throughout the study’s duration. The study also noted that the participants involved woke up considerably fewer times throughout the night.
Next time you have a problem falling asleep, try the tart cherry juice remedy as it is a natural a healthier solution. However, If you’ve found that you suffer from persistent sleep-related issues that are affecting the quality of your life, you should consult with your doctor as these might be related to much more serious health conditions.
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Maryann Brown
I Just can’t sleep at nights any more I’m awake til 5 in the morning still can’t sleep 🙁 I Just drink water I Don’t drink tea or coffee late in evening Never Still can’t sleep