Ginger has to be one of the most various and beneficial root vegetables, it is both a tremendous culinary addition and protector of our overall health. Ginger is a calming spice which, once cooked, oozes refined essential oils that add to your health. Able to defend the body from various health issues, a cup of ginger tea will surely become one of your best friend.
The following are 9 Ginger Benefits Which Keep Your Health in Check
Stress relief
Due to its light aroma and refreshing taste, ginger is a natural relaxant of the body and mind. Moreover, ginger reduces emotional stress and stimulates nervous system recovery.
Reduces nausea
If you suffer from upset stomach, ginger is here to help. Only one cup of ginger tea can soothe your stomach distress, or prevent similar symptoms ahead of time.
Boosts Digestion
Along with nausea, ginger maintains the intestinal and gut health in check as well. Precisely, ginger is helpful for treating both heartburn and bloating.
Strengthens the Immune System
As a result of its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, ginger excites the immunity amazingly. Drinking your ginger tea regularly will help you get rid of viruses, and also make you more resilient to similar problems.
Acts as a Painkiller
Ginger anti-inflammatory properties can treat pains and aches of all sorts. This gives ginger the ability to treat muscle and joint pain, migraines, cramps, and even colds and the flu. For best soreness cure, apply ginger tea-dipped cloth on affected areas. This method is also useful for reducing painful menstrual cramping.
Ameliorates the Blood Circulation
Full of vitamins, minerals, and amino-acids, ginger works in favour of your cardiovascular health. Ginger cleans the blood amazingly and stimulates more normal blood flow. In return, this prevents potential stroke symptoms and adds more oxygen to the body cells.
Treats Breathing Issues
Again, ginger is an anti-inflammatory food, so it is excellent for managing respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, mucus build-up, and colds.
Enhances Fertility
Ginger has long been used as a natural ‘turn-on’ in men, as it enhances the sexual performance. Furthermore, ginger fights fertility issues and introduces greater stamina, too.
Prevents Cancer
Numerous studies have shown that ginger can be usea as a very effective way to prevent cancer growth. In some cases, ginger even helped reduce existing cancer cells, thus battling the disease efficiently.
How studies recognise the effectiveness of ginger?
As far as ginger and its cancer-fighting properties are concerned, there have been plenty of useful studies and research done on the topic. A recent study from 2011 reveals how ginger is also able to treat liver diseases. The study discovered that ginger successfully removes excess fats from the liver, and keeps it safe.
In 2012, a different study concluded that ginger maintains perfect kidney health as well. With that, ginger prevents inflammation, cleanses the kidney of free radicals, and stops renal failure.
How do you take your ginger tea?
Drinking ginger tea on a daily basis is crucial to maintain a balanced health.
How to prepare a ginger tea:
2 cups of water
One piece of ginger
1-2 slices of lemon
Combine all ingredients well together and leave the water to boil on high heat. Once boiling, reduce heat to a simmer for roughly 10 minutes. Let the tea cool down a bit before consuming it.
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[…] our results, oolong tea, much like green tea, plays a role in inhibiting breast cancer cell growth, proliferation, and tumour progression,” […]