A team of British researchers is working on a new technology, which would bring an end to the age old battle for the window seat. Don’t be misled by the title. As you may know, making a windowless plane is dangerous for the passengers, as it may affect the compression inside the airplane.
This new technology, still in the development stage, aims to replace windows in airplanes with OLED screens. These screens will be connected to cameras set up on the outside of the plane.
The cameras will display real time feed on the screen, making everyone’s wish for a window seat come true. This technology, is rumored to be the future of air travel. It will help offer a panoramic view of the sky, thus fulfilling even the dreams of the most ardent flying fanatics.
This technology is being developed by the Centre of Process and Innovation, a British technology and research firm. Don’t let your jaws drop yet, because there are still surprises to come. These virtual windows are planned to be touch screens. You can use it just for the view or improvise and use it as an entertainment system. Coming back to the actual technology used, the main components are the OLED screens itself. OLED, stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode.
Its working is simple to that of traditional LED’s, but it makes use of organic compounds as the lighting material. When an electric current is passed through these materials, it goes to higher state and emits excess energy in the form of light. This technology is reportedly more energy efficient and causes less strain on the eyes compared to normal LED displays. This technology finds application in a wide variety of devices like phones, tablets and computers.
The developers behind this new technology, claim that windowless planes will become the norm within the next 10 -15 years. As the entire plane can offer a good view of the outside world, no more fights for better seats.
All the passengers can equally view the scenery outside without worrying about the seat they are in. OLED screens are finding more applications nowadays. By the time this technology will develop completely, even the OLED’s will develop further giving more sharper and quality displays.
Though this technology may sound exciting and fun, it does give rise to a few issues. Light from a single screen or a couple of screens can be easily tolerated by passengers.
Once all the windows are replaced by screens, the amount light produced can be discomforting to the passengers. Especially, passengers with sensitive eyes may get affected adversely. Hence, it is important that the developers of this technology, develop systems to filter the blue light coming from the screens.
This technology, serves as an example of the constant explorative and improvising nature of the human mind. It is this nature of ours, which makes us unique and different. We are not satisfied with the existing technologies and yearn for more. Though this is a good thing, we must remember all such developments come with a price. If we want such fancy technologies, we must be prepared to pay the price for it.
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