Strawberries are by far one of the sweetest and most delicious fruits loved by many. They are a part of just about any recipe, but can also be enjoyed straight from the garden.
However, many people find it difficult to store strawberries for longer periods maintaining their color and freshness. if not eaten by a day or two, they’ll go moldy, soggy and rotten.
Fortunately though, there is an extremely simple trick that can preserve the freshness of the strawberry for much longer. In addition, this trick requires a few simple ingredients that most of us probably already have in our kitchen.
How to preserve the freshness of the strawberry:
Start by adding the strawberries into a bowl and then pour a solution of five parts water and one part vinegar. A few minutes later remove the strawberries from the water and dry them thoroughly using a tea or paper towel.
The vinegar will help remove all the mold and bacteria from the strawberries and ensuring the strawberries are completely dry will prolong their shelflife.
Lastly, rather than using a strawberry container, place them out separately on a plate or a shallow bowl.Next time you buy a strawberry punnet, try this hack! It works!
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