Caffeine is a substance that keeps us alert because of its energy boosting abilities, the consumption of energy drinks to has a similar effect. However, the high content of chemicals in these drinks makes them terrible for our health.
Studies have discovered a link between energy drinks and a higher risk of a heart attack, as its the case of 33-year old Cory Terry, a Brooklyn resident, how died from a heart attack after drinking an energy drink.
This young man consumed Red Bull on a daily basis, which sadly was his only bad habit since he was physically active, and did not smoke or drank.
The Mayo Clinic led a study which revealed that energy drinks could increase cardiovascular issues and provoke a heart attack. Experts gave a daily dose of ½ a litre of an unidentified energy drink to 15 perfectly healthy people and afterwards revealed that the consumtion of energy drink increased the participants’ blood pressure by 10%, after only 4 hours. It also raised their heart rate and blood pressure and increased their risk of heart attack.
The next list is a collection of some of the risks of the over-consumption of energy drinks, based on data collected from 7 years of calls to the Australian Poisons Center:
- Tremor / shaking
- Respiratory difficulty
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Agitation / anxiety
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Chest pain/ischemia
- Palpitations / tachycardia
- Dizziness/syncope
- Paresthesia (tingling or numbing of the skin)
Energy drinks like Red Bull contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine, as well as taurine, which is a potent stimulator.
Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) have written a narrative analysis of studies on the health risks linked to the intake of energy drinks and policies associated to energy drinks.
Their review published in Frontiers concluded:
“The health risks associated with energy drink consumption are primarily related to their caffeine content, but more research is needed that evaluates the long-term effects of consuming common energy drink ingredients.
The evidence indicating adverse health effects due to the consumption of energy drinks with alcohol is growing. The risks of heavy consumption of energy drinks among young people have largely gone unaddressed and are poised to become a significant public health problem in the future.”
Some studies argue that single stimulants in the energy drinks are not to blame for increased risk of heart attack, but when one mixes it with alcohol, it creates a ticking time-bomb.
Next time you crave for an additional kick of energy, choose coffee instead, avoid energy drink under any circumstances.
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