Video by international animal rights organization Animal Equality has gone viral with 35 million views on Facebook.
Their investigators have managed to enter a industrial hatcheries, where factory-farmed animals spend the first ‘HELL’ day of their short, miserable lives.
Unlike the barnyard stories we’ve heard from our grandparents, there are no hens, waiting to cover them under their wings for protection.
Instead, the baby chicks are brought out of their shells in industrial size incubators.
Sadly, their desperate cries to keep their protective mothers nearby, never really happens .
In contrary, they are immediately placed onto a conveyor belt, separated from their shells, and processed like some sort of tech-tools in an assembly line.
The weak and sick chicks are separated into dumpsters with the shells and brutally crushed.
“What awaits for those who survive is even worse,” the film’s narrator explains.
After, they are immediately being pumped with chemicals, shot through chutes into crates, packed like sardines into crates, and transported all across the country by trucks.
In comparison , human baby would weigh 600 pounds in two months if they grew at the same pace as these selectively bred baby chickens.
Many of them die in agony or are thrown away alive as they can’t handle the pace at which their muscles grow, their legs are crushed beneath their own weight and they become immobilized.
At just over four weeks old, they are sent to slaughter house.
The video ends by asking people to go vegan or eat less chicken. We would like to add to this the options of pasture-raised chicken and eggs, backyard chickens, grass-fed and wild meats.
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