Have you seen those yellow dots on an entirely green law? Well, they are more than just another gift from nature. According to Eastern and Western cultures Dandelion has been regarded as a valuable food and medicine source for over thousands of years, and only recently scientists have started researching its cancer-fighting powers.
From Greeks to Chinese traditional healers, dandelion has been used to flush toxins, cleanse the liver and purify the blood. Precisely these blood purifying compounds have led researchers from the University of Windsor in Canada to examine the power of dandelion and how it could help patients with terminal blood cancers.
During one study the researchers mixed blood drawn from leukemia patients and a dandelion root extract and injected it into a lab rat. Not long after, to their delight the mixture induced apoptosis or “cell suicide” in cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.
The ability of dandelion roots to selectively kill only cancer cells and ‘avoid’ the healthy ones as opposed to chemotherapy and radiation which kills every cell in our bodies, could lead to revolutionary cancer treatments that will shed light for patients all over the world.
Based on these results, scientists were given a go ahead and test the dandelion root extract on thirty Canadian patients. This is the first ever cancer treatment in Canada where a natural extract has been approved for a clinical study. Unfortunately, the US has yet to support such research.
Here in the US, herbalists aren’t allowed to treat cancer patients for cancer, and they can only offer herbs as supportive therapy to correct the damage caused by conventional treatments.
According to herbalist, teacher, and author Demetria Clark, if a patient has taken chemotherapy, dandelion will assist the liver and kidneys, boost the immune system and help in body detoxication. It also helps with nausea and mouth soars.
Leading researcher and biochemistry professor at Windsor Dr. Siyaram Pandey said “these folks actually lived” in a Ted Talk show after being encouraged by the results of patients who selected dandelion extract over chemotherapy.
See the Ted Talk show below:
Besides the fact that dandelions are packed full of vitamins such as A, C, K, B6, B3, B9, and B12 as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and copper, they can also heal and nourish the body. So next time you see these beautiful yellow flowers, pick them up and make a salad, or a smoothie.
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