In the olden times, schools used to have home economics classes for girls and shop classes for boys. Girls were taught basic skills like cooking, sewing, accounting to make them good homemakers. On the other hand, boys were taught woodworking, fitting and other skills to help them grow into strong working men. As time…
A New School in India Will Prioritize Happiness Instead of Grades – Take a Look Inside
Most schools around the world have the traditional facilities serving the students, the long hallways, multiple entrances, gymnasium, and a cafeteria. However, a new forward-thinking school called Riverbend near Chennai, India, intends to change the traditional architecture — and curricula — in education. Rather than having one large, central building, they plan to build a…
School Replaces Detention With Meditation And The Results Are Amazing
The education system has been trying for years to find a way to teach the students about what’s right and wrong, while not negatively affecting their self-esteem. However, there are doubts among senior officials in the educational system about the effectiveness of detention and the impact on the normal development of the students. Nowadays, with…