Extreme acidity in the body is the leading cause of cancer, as discovered by Dr Otto H Warburg, a Noble Prize Laureate. Mainly, cancer cells don’t breathe oxygen, as they are anaerobic, so they are not capable of surviving in an alkaline environment of the body, which is rich in oxygen. Having said that, the…
Wish Someone Told Me Onions Could Do These Miraculous Things
Onions are used by many as a natural cure for many health problems. It is inarguably one of the best remedies for severe vomiting and as a general antibiotic that can support your immune system. The onion represents the allium family, onion’s sulphur give its antibiotic and antiseptic qualities. Onion is also remarkably high in…
Celery Fights Rheumatoid Arthritis, Reduces Cholesterol, Boosts the Libido and Weight Loss
Celery is one of the few plants that we can eat whole. No portion of the celery is considered uneatable, and it’s hugely beneficial for our health. Therefore celery should be on the top of your shopping list. Its unique taste is mainly combined with salty dishes and chefs around the world use it in…
Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure
Main causes for death in the USA and reason for the enormous amount of patients with heart disease is the bad food that people consume. Extremely large amount of salt, unhealthy fats and hidden sugar trigger are the root cause of many dangerous diseases. To stay health one should consider being physically active, maintaining a…
5 Natural Remedies To Get Rid of ‘ROSACEA’ Also Know As Skin Redness
It’s not unusual for us to get red-faced whenever we exercise or feeling uncomfortable due to some embarrassing situation. However, when this reddish color insists on remaining it may be due to something else. These red patches are often mistaken for sunburns and are caused by a skin disease called rosacea. Rosacea usually appears in…
Best Natural Home Remedies for Blocked Sinuses
Do you know you can clear your sinuses only by using your tongue and a thumb? It takes less than 20 seconds! A stuffy nose often occurs as a sign of another health problem such as a sinus infection or the common cold. Typically, these health problems are minor, i.e. allergies, nasal polyps, chemical exposures,…