Acupuncture has been around for centuries, and its healing abilities are well known. People have been using acupuncture to releave stress, trauma and illness.
However, not many have heard about an old Japanese healing therapy called “Jin Shin Jyutsu.” This method helps with depression, anxiety, chronic back and neck, and sciatica.
The technique was first brought to the US in the early 50s by Mary Burmeister, an Asian-American woman who learned the method from Japanese acupuncture expert, Jiro Murai.
In the video below you can see that each finger represents a different trigger that will help relieve conditions such as anxiety, sorrow, anger, fear, and depression.
The regular practice of this technique will unquestionably help you to achieve spiritual and emotional happiness, in both adults and children!
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[…] run of the mill behavioral issues encountered by children. And even while adults, it seems that anxiety isn’t taken with maximum precaution as it should be, because there is a common misconception that […]