Numerous studies suggest that drinking alcohol in excess can contribute to increasing weight, damaging your liver and even putting you at the risk of heart disease.
However, according to a recent studies conducted by Washington State University as well as Harvard Medical School, drinking one or two glasses of wine before going to sleep can actually help you lose weight and fight obesity.
The 13 years long Harvard University study, suggests that women who drank two glasses of red wine before bed have a 70% reduced risk of obesity compared to nondrinkers.
-‘Wine can serve as a preventive measure against obesity.’
The Washington State University study revealed that wine had features which turned “white fat” into “beige fat”, which can be burnt off easily.
-‘Red wine is good for is fighting obesity itself.’
A polyphenol found in the red wine known as resveratrol is the element that give red wine these transformative effects. It is found in the skins of the grapes and is generated in response to injury, or when the grape is invaded by fungi, bacteria or other pathogens.
When digested, resveratrol has antioxidative characteristics that can help fight obesity, diabetes, promote heart and bone health, and even contribute to longevity.
You might be wondering why before bed?
An Arizona State University study noticed that resveratrol has the ability to suppress our appetite. This consequently means no late night snacks that boost the blood sugar levels and calorie intake, that are making you fat.
It suppresses your nightly appetite, turns your white fat into beige fat that you can easily burn off, and it protects your health.
The rich resveratrol content in red wine makes it a guilt-free habit you should practice because it’s not only rewarding after a long stressful day but also very healthy.
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