Meet Messy and his owner, Oranit Kittragul, who live in a small town in Thailand. In the neighborhood nearby lives Audi, an adorable Husky who is alone most of the day while his owners are at work.
Being alone most of the day causes Audi to feel little sad and anxious, and whenever he wants to “break the negative feelings,” Audi comes for a little cuddle with Messy.
One day, Audi’s owner forgot to close the gate shut while leaving for work, and the dog ran out to visit Messy for the very first time.
Messy’s owner saw the two greet and hug each other, and took a snap of that adorable moment to share it online.
Meet Messy, a yellow lab who lives in Thailand with his owner.
Whenever Audi barks and cries, Messy would bark back and Audi would calm down, perhaps comforted by the thought that he is not alone.
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