A recent finding suggests that even though we were told that milk is an excellent source of calcium and essential for balanced health, some argue that this might not be entirely true.
Particularly the absorption of calcium from milk is much harder for the human body than the absorption of this component found in plants.
It is suggested that higher milk consumption can cause numerous health issues:
- Lactose intolerance
Cow’s milk has high sugar content known as lactose, which might be difficult to digest and can lead to nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and bloating.
Unlike cholesterol-free vegan foods, one milk serving contains 24 mg of cholesterol.
- Weak bones
A Swedish medical study has revealed that women who consume milk daily are more susceptive to fractures than those who did not drink milk.
- Risk of Prostate cancer
Studies have revealed that the high consumption of milk and other dairy products can raise the risk of prostate cancer, whereas milk-free diets can slow down its progress.
Since the early 70s, milk consumption in the United States has dropped from about 1.5 cups a day to about 0.8 cups a day today.
In a 2013 paper Harvard professor Ludwig suggested that there is not enough scientific proof to support federal milk consumption recommendations.
“Until very very recently, from an evolutionary perspective, humans would have consumed no milk products at all and would have consumed calcium from other sources,” Ludwig explained. “Populations that drink no milk at all have perfectly fine bones.
“Which isn’t to say that milk is necessarily unhelpful, we just lack a good evidence base for the recommendation that we consume such high levels of it.”
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