How difficult is it to cut an avocado? And as a matter of fact, the expression’avocado ‘ was recently utilized to refer to the mishap. But hey, let’s remind you that we are sorounded by millennials, and anything could happen.
If only there is a way to assist these millennials and rescue them from he job of cutting on their avocados. Oh wait, there’s! They will certainly love this avocado rod. As its name suggests, it’s essentially pure avocado flesh — at a deodorant stick.
Well, eating it’s pretty simple. Only turn the knob in the base until the material climbs up. Can you envision yourself doing this? We are pretty sure nobody could, well except for people with’avocado hands’.
The genius merchandise was an invention by Unnecessary Inventions. On their FB webpage, the avocado stick is submitted Together with the caption:
“Every millennial loves avocado toast! Now make your favorite snack faster than ever at home or on the go…on a stick!”
Meet the Avocado Stick by Unnecessary Inventions
You can perfectly spread this avocado 'deodorant stick' — it’s every millennial’s dream come true🥑🤩Video Credit: Unnecessary Inventions
Posted by In The Know Gadgets on Monday, May 13, 2019
Soon after posting the avocado stick on Facebook, users created an uproar on social media. For those who are not aware, all inventions posted by Unnecessary Inventions are fake and are intended as a joke. ‘Avocado hands’ people may be disappointed with the revelation, and let’s face it learning how to cut an avocado is a part of life. So, deal with it.
Source: Unnecessary Inventions | Facebook
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