Kei trucks are small pickup trucks which originated in Japan. All over Asia, Kei trucks are frequently utilized in agriculture, building, deliveries, and sometimes even firefighting.
However, in Japan, these functional small trucks can function more than only a mere manner of transport. The Japan Federation of Landscape Contractors holds a yearly event where Kei trucks have been redesigned into beautiful gardens.
Each Year, many landscaping builders from around Japan take part in the Kei Truck Garden Contest. Vying to acquire the contest, participants attempt to showcase their creativity, imagination and gardening abilities through their tiny trucks.
Participants of this Kei Truck Garden Contest came on site using their very own Kei trucks. And they then spend a few hours designing and constructing the backyard on the truck’s cargo bed. These small pickup trucks supply a suitable area where landscape designers can assemble small gardens with eye-catching features.
Other entrances also used large stones, mini huts, bamboo stalks, artificial ponds, and even tea collections.
Below are a few of the most enchanting entrances in the 2018 Kei Truck Garden Contest which will surely add more colours to your day.
Source: Zoenren Osaka
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