Old books suggest that vinegar was discovered around 5000 BC when by accident a grape juice turned into wine and then after a while into vinegar. At that time, people started using vinegar to preserve their foods and only later they found that vinegar can be used for medicinal purposes too.
Vinegar was commonly used as a remedy for wounds, stomachache, croup and poison ivy.
Vinegar is made when carbohydrate-rich foods are left to ferment for longer periods. Apples, beets, dates, potatoes, grapes and coconut are just some of the fruits and vegetables that can be turned into vinegar.
A good quality vinegar can be recognized by a cobweb-like amino acid material that appears at the bottom of the glass bottle or a jar, also known as ‘mother’, which gives vinegar its numerous health benefits.
To maintain good health and overall well-being, you should consume one or 2 tablespoons of vinegar every they early in the morning.
According to Dr Koop:
“Health expert Dr Axe states that apple cider vinegar is a powerful healer, citing its twin anti-bacterial plus pro-biotic qualities for its ability to serve as a natural antibiotic for your body. Apple cider vinegar is packed with magnesium, digestive enzymes, acetic acid (naturally occurring vinegar), potassium and polyphenols (natural antioxidants). “
The following is a list of vinegar health benefits:
Candida Overgrowth
According to Dr Joseph Mercola:
“Too much Candida bacteria, which is actually a naturally occurring yeast, in your body has been linked to many different health issues, including yeast infections, fatigue, poor memory, depression, headaches, sugar cravings.
Candida overgrowth usually happens when the body is too acidic from excessive intake of processed foods or sugar, or if there are insufficient good bacteria in your system.
Because ACV is fermented with a beneficial yeast, it can serve as a prebiotic for healthy bacteria, essentially helping good bacteria grow.”
It prevents sugar spikes due to slowing down the conversion of complex carbohydrates from the meals into sugar as well as regulating insulin sensitivity.
Sinus Congestion
It efficiently treats sinusitis and nasal blockage, by breaking down and reducing mucus.
Sore Throat
Relieve sore throat, add it to water and gargle for 2 minutes.
Seasonal Allergies
Rachael Link, MS, RD explains:
“Many people use apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy for seasonal allergies. The healthy bacteria found in ACV may promote immunity and support healthy lymphatic drainage to kick seasonal sniffles and allergies to the curb. Try to drink two tablespoons diluted in the water next time your allergies are acting up.”
Colon Cleanse
Vinegar is one of the most potent colon cleansing remedy that improves its function and preventing digestive problems.
Aids Acid Reflux
To soothe the intestinal spasms and to regulate the acid content in the stomach, consume a tablespoon of Vinegar with a glass of water.
Promotes Heart Health
Apple cider vinegar promotes heart health and improves health by preventing cardiovascular diseases. It has also been found to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and VLDL levels.
Skin Irritations
To relieve symptoms, apply AVC on the affected area such as sunburn, or poison ivy or soak in a bath with a cup of ACV.
Promote Oral Health
Hold mild diluted apple cider vinegar for a few minutes in the mouth, to whiten your teeth and fight bad breath.
Weight Loss
Due to the presence of acetic acid, apple cider vinegar creates a feeling of satiety and thus reduces your appetite, leading to weight loss.
Energy Boost
Its potassium and enzymes rich content treat fatigue and energize the body.
Remove Foot Odor
Wipe your feet with apple cider vinegar, to remove bacteria that causes the bad smell of the feet and prevent further spread of infections.
Remove Warts
Due to acetic acid, ACV can treat acne and remove warts.
Weed Killer
ACV is a safe and toxin-free alternative to control weeds in your garden.
Hair Health
ACV can balance the pH of your hair and scalp and remove any product buildup. Combine it with water and use the mixture to rinse the hair and make it clean and revitalized.
Natural Cleaning Agent
A mixture of water and ACV can be used to clean all the surfaces in your home.
Neutralize Odors
Mix water with some ACV and leave it in a room to neutralize the bad odors.
Fruit and Veggie Wash
Apple cider vinegar can be used to soak your fresh produce as it is a great natural agent that destroys pesticides and bacteria.
“Although apple cider vinegar consumption is healthy and safe for most people, consuming large amounts can lead to some negative effects on health. Apple cider vinegar side effects include erosion of tooth enamel, burning of the throat or skin and decreased levels of potassium.
Be sure always to dilute apple cider vinegar in water instead of drinking it straight to prevent negative side effects. You should also start with a low dose and work your way up to assess your tolerance.
If you’re taking blood sugar medications, talk to your doctor before using apple cider vinegar. Because ACV may help reduce blood sugar levels, you may need to modify your dosage of diabetes medications to prevent hypoglycemia symptoms.”
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