Warning signs of damage to the liver can be difficult to identify in order to prevent it from getting worse. It’s important that you know the common warning signs of liver damage in order to protect your body. In this article, we’ll cover five warning signs of injured liver and how they apply in real life.
The most common, yet least understood warning sign of a damaged liver is organ failure or organ damage. With long-term exposure to toxins, livers have a tendency to become “damaged” and eventually “fail.” Damaged livers cannot perform their job effectively because the cells inside die off over time due to wear and tear from outside factors. When this happens, the liver can no longer filter blood or neutralize toxins and chemicals that enter the body. Damaged livers cannot break down medications and nutrients in food either which can lead to malnutrition and deficiency diseases. Damaged livers essentially become “injured” organs when they stop working effectively.
The one warning sign of damaged liver that is least understood is organ damage itself. With long-term exposure to toxins, livers have a tendency to become “damaged” and eventually “fail.” Damaged livers cannot perform their job effectively because the cells inside die over time due to wear and tear from outside factors. When this happens, livers can no longer filter blood or neutralize toxins and chemicals that enter the body. Damaged livers cannot break down medications and nutrients in food either which can lead to malnutrition and deficiency diseases. Damaged livers essentially become “injured” organs when they stop working effectively.
Symptoms of damaged liver vary by individual, but may include jaundice (yellowing of skin), abdominal swelling, nausea, vomiting, dark urine color, itchy skin, fatigue, appetite loss , bleeding that is not related to menstruation , bruising easily, hives on the surface of the skin
and mental disorientation to name a few. Any number of these symptoms could indicate liver damage and should be taken seriously.
Nausea, vomiting and abdominal swelling are three symptoms of damaged liver that can easily be identified to prevent further damage. Nausea is where an individual feels like vomiting often without producing the actual contents in their stomach because it’s difficult for them to eat or drink anything . Vomiting is where one expels excessively from the mouth any contents produced in the stomach including saliva, bile , gastric secretions, mucus , partially digested food particles and just plain air [or other things] . It’s a symptom of damaged liver if these episodes occur more than once a month . Abdominal swelling is just what it says: a swollen abdomen i n which fluid has built up in the tissues of the stomach, arms or legs . This occurs when a buildup of waste products builds up and is unable to exit the body through normal channels due to an impaired liver from damaged liver. Either way, it’s important that you see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .
Inability to concentrate , clotting excessively or bruising easily are three warning signs of damaged liver that warrant a simple phone call for advice. Difficulty concentrating on a specific task is also known as poor concentration which can be caused by slowed mental activity resulting from poor circulation. Clotting too much blood is known as thrombocytopenia and can lead to bruises and bleeding gums . It can also be a sign of liver damage if episodes occur more than once each month and should be brought to the attention of a doctor [and/or other things]. Bruising easily is just what it sounds like: where one bruises [even] easily without experiencing trauma on the surface of their skin. This occurs when blood clotting factors fail to prevent excessive bleeding . When this happens, red blood cells break open causing bruising or purple-ish spots on the surface of the skin. Damaged livers cannot break down metabolites and chemicals in food which can lead to malnutrition and deficiency diseases so it’s important to see a doctor right away if you notice these symptoms.
Another symptom of damaged liver can manifest itself as itchy skin so pay attention to any developing rash. This symptom is a sign of a severe allergic reaction because it’s difficult for the liver to break down metabolites and chemicals in certain foods which can lead to malnutrition and deficiency diseases . Damaged livers cannot filter blood properly which means that toxins build up over time as waste materials inside the body. These wastes trigger an autoimmune response resulting in inflammation leading to itching, swelling or blistering of the skin as well as hives [and/or other things]. If you notice these symptoms, see a doctor right away because they could be indicative of further damage from impaired liver function .
Lastly, mental disorientation is a warning sign of damaged liver caused by excess ammonia buildup in brain tissue. Damaged livers cannot filter blood properly which means that toxins build up over time as waste materials inside the body. These wastes trigger an autoimmune response resulting in inflammation leading to itching, swelling or blistering of the skin as well as hives [and/or other things]. Damaged livers cannot break down metabolites and chemicals in food which can lead to malnutrition and deficiency diseases . When this happens , red blood cells break open causing bruising or purple-ish spots on the surface of your skin. As a result, ammonia builds up in brain tissue causing you to feel disorientated and confused [or something] . If you notice these symptoms, see a doctor right away because they could be indicative of further damage from impaired liver function .
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