Inflammation is an annoying problem that plagues millions of people around the world. You may not be able to get rid of it, but you can certainly try to control it. For starters, you can help control your inflammation by cutting out some of the worst foods you eat.
If you are suffering from inflammation, the last thing you want to do is make your body problems worse. The foods that you choose to eat can seriously impact how your body responds to pain and inflammation.
Simply avoiding these five horrible foods could be the difference between a life full of chronic pain or one that is relatively free of it. Check out what not to eat below:
1) Wheat Products
Many people think that they should avoid gluten in order to reduce their risk of developing intestinal problems such as celiac disease. However, new information suggests that you may also want to avoid wheat products if you suffer from arthritis and/or other inflammatory disorders .
2) Refined Grains
Grains such as white rice and white bread are not as nutritious as whole grains. Eating them can lead to inflammation and other chronic health problems, including diabetes .
3) Processed Meats
These meats have been exposed to salt or nitrates, which can cause a host of health problems, especially when eaten frequently. They might be tasty now and again, but they will probably leave you feeling terrible most of the time.
4) Refined Vegetable Oils
Soybean oil is one example that has been linked to serious illness. It contains few nutrients and leads to inflammatory reactions in the body . Avoiding it could help reduce your chances of developing asthma, arthritis, cancer , stroke , heart disease , and Alzheimer’s disease .
5) Lower Quality Animal Products
It’s best to avoid eating too many eggs or red meat. They are full of inflammation-causing saturated fat and other things that can lead to serious illness . The nice thing about following stricter diets is that you don’t have to give up good food – you only need to eat better quality foods in smaller amounts. By consuming a healthy, nutritious diet filled with fresh veggies and fresh meats, you can get rid of inflammation almost completely.
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