Undoubtedly one of the best and most precious memories of anyone’s life is when you feel your baby touching your skin for the first time ever.
But when the time came for this young dad of newly born twins, he enlisted the help of his beautiful son, who assisted him with the essential skin-to-skin touch to their premature twins, and we are in love!
“Skin-to-skin contact is not ‘new,’ but Sweden certainly leads the way in making this care family-friendly, even for very tiny babies. I love this picture of big brother helping his dad care for the twins,” said NINO on their Facebook page.
According to doctors, touch is essential for the development of the physical abilities, cognitive skills, language, and social-emotional ability of a child.
Skin to Skin Contact is not "new",but Sweden certainly leads the way in making this care family -friendly even for very…
Posted by NINO Birth on Saturday, May 14, 2016
Whether a baby is born prematurely or not, skin-to-skin is as much about bonding as it is about health benefits, and surely is a useful practice that should be encouraged with all newborns. Not only does it help regulate the baby’s body temperature, but it also helps with regulating body temperature, and on top of that, it is a perfect moment to capture some life-long memories.
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