If you are struggling with weight, we need not tell you that it’s probably bad for your health, and it’s only doing you damage to your body and mind.
I’ll be lying to you if I tell you that there is a magic pill that you can take, and you will lose all the extra fat bothering you every day. But that’s simply not true.
Every diet works differetntly, and if something is working for one person, it does not necessarily mean that it will work for you.
The key is to try and work out what diet works best for your body and give you the best results.
Below is a simple Keto bread recipe that is a must if you decide to follow the Keto Diet:
**Pro tip: skip the food processor. Just use a hand mixer to mix everything except for the last 2/3rds of the egg whites. Fold those in slowly at the end and the bread will rise and will be super fluffy!
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