Lemon relates to the citrus family such as oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, limes all of which contain a very high quantity of Vitamins C, A, and E, citric acid, B-complex vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous and dietary fibre.
For easier consimtion its recommended to dialute 1 lemon in a glass of warm water and have it on an empty stomach every morning.
Below is a list of benefits of lemon water
Improves Digestion
Lemon water assists in problems with constipation and indigestion. You can add a few lemon drops to your meals, avoid milk products!
Reduces Fever
Lemons anti-inflammatory properties found will help you fight the common cold, and the high levels of Vitamin C will provide an immediate boost to your immune system.
Shiny Hair
Lemon water is helpful for the hair too. The vitamins and minerals found in the lemon will treat your scalp and hair giving it shiny silky look. Combine lemon juice and lukewarm water and apply to your hair. Leave it for 5 minutes then rinse under warm water.
Soothes a Sore Throat
Lemon juice is known for its anti-inflammatory as well as its antibacterial qualities. This can be an great remedy for throat infections. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, add one teaspoon of honey and one cup of lukewarm water. Stir thoroughly and drink it, making sure you swallow slowly. Repeate this procedure 2-3 times daily.
Control Blood Pressure
Drinking lemon juice is beneficial for individuals suffering from heart conditions because of the high levels of potassium. Lemon water juice helps regulate a high blood pressure, provides relief from nausea, and fatigue as it delivers relaxation.
It is known to improve the mood and lessen psychological stress, anxiety, and depression.
It is important to caution you that if you have an issue with ulcer you should probably avoid lemon because of its acidity.
Drink up!
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